Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Utilitarianism Is Based On The Performing †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Utilitarianism Is Based On The Performing? Answer: Introduction: Utilitarianism is based on the performing the right thing for producing right consequence and reduce the sufferings to a minimum. Whereas, deontology provides positive motive and action from first and determines best quality of results in the end and this positive motive and action is best is best for any business. Annotated bibliography: 1) Bowie, N.E., 2017.Business ethics: A Kantian perspective. Cambridge University Press. - This article on ethical theories explains the importance of deontology in business. This article discusses that many business schools teach deontology ethics to the students using some case studies so that the students can be more accustomed of how deontology is best for any business. Kants deontology theory is very helpful for the business and it even helps in avoiding self centred decisions and injects a humanistic thought into the decision making process of the business. Thus this article also simplifies the thought that deontology is best for business. 2) Vadastreanu, A.M., Maier, D. and Maier, A., 2015. Is the Success Possible in Compliance with Ethics and Deontology in Business?.Procedia Economics and Finance,26, pp.1068-1073. - This article refers to the importance of ethics in business and the importance of deontology ethics in any business. Deontology in a business helps it to make ethical and proper decision, which will lead to positive results. The ethical theory of deontology provides the business with identifying of good decisions, which will lead to fair results in the future. This article also claims that lack of ethics will lead to problems in the business. 3) Svanberg, M., 2016. Rethinking Business Ethics: Ethics of Corporate Social Responsibility. -this article also frames the importance of deontology theory in business. Deontology is a theory that implies good decision-making and practise use of good motive in a business. Deontology is a form of good will and in a business good will always brings good result and hence it is important for business. This article even discusses the issues with deontology in a business. Deontology is derived from a Greek word Deon that means Duty, which is very important for running a business. Deontology focuses on doing right things in a dutiful manner. For an example, practising bad ethics is ethically bad and hence is not a positive action. Deontology provides affirmative decision-making and helps the business differentiate between right and wrong things. 4) Sroka, W. and L?rinczy, M., 2015. The perception of ethics in business: Analysis of research results.Procedia Economics and Finance,34, pp.156-163. -This article defines that ethics is very important part of a business and without the implication of ethics a business will not grow and nor it will be able to establish itself successfully. If any business wants to be successful then it needs the implementation of few ethics. This ethical approach is present in the business due to the deontology. Deontology helps the business grow by practising a proper decision making process. Ethics has a big role to play in any business and helps the business to set goals for the future. 5) Bakali, E. and Maniatis, A., 2014, September. PPP law and business deontology in the UK and France. In7th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. -this article is chosen as a proof to show the impact of deontology in business. This article is a big example on how deontology helps the business to take morally right decisions. This article discusses things like innovation of public private partnerships and its relation to deontology. Public private partnership is also a form of business and thus this article clarifies the impact of deontology in the business. This article discusses the role of deontology in different terms of business and clearly portrays the need to ethical and morally right decisions in business. The discussion of the article can be augmented by incorporating deontology in business so that it will provide with good results for future and avoid negativity in any decision. 6) Xu, Z.X. and Ma, H.K., 2016. How can a deontological decision lead to moral behavior? The moderating role of moral identity.Journal of Business Ethics,137(3), pp.537-549. - this article discusses both about the need of deontology and utilitarianism but focuses mainly on deontology. Deontology is the intuitive, which is based on biased approach and this article discuses the influence of decision making to view how much the morally right action is influenced by deontology. Deontology is not implementation of something but it is actually the theory following which a business can lead to better future and good will. Deontology is a type of business ethics that every business should focus on and make morally right decisions to get hold of a bright future. Deontology or good will helps the business focus on a right decision by avoiding negative influence. Deontology is coupled by a power of motivation of choosing among right and wrong things and influences the use of moral and ethics in the business. Deontology is the theory that leads to the study of duty and ethics for not only business but for life also. This theory judges the action and its morality by adapting few rules in the business. Deontology contrasts with virtue ethics of any business. This term provides the business with the knowledge of right or wrong and does not at all help the business for taking any negative decision. Deontology provides business with a clear reflection of what action will lead to what results and marks the consequences so that the business can pursue without any problem. Conclusion: Both Utilitarianism and Deontology are forms of business ethics and are very vital part of business. These ethics allows the business to expand. These ethics evaluates the decision making process of any business and is applicable to all the business aspects. These ethics provide the business with guidance to work on the right way and help the business to make ethical decision. Deontology helps the business to make decisions, which are morally right, and focuses mainly on morals of the individuals, as they are the one to take the decisions for the business. References: .1.Bowie, N.E., 2017.Business ethics: A Kantian perspective. Cambridge University Press. ('s_contribution_to_the_ethics_of_communication_Ethical_Space_The_International_Journal_of_Communication_Ethics_122_38-44/links/55f863d708aeba1d9f06df3d.pdf#page=41) 2.Bakali, E. and Maniatis, A., 2014, September. PPP law and business deontology in the UK and France. In7th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business.( ttps:// -2014-10-13-FINAL.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3AExpires=1502616966Signature=s3OAbvP7ngRd%2BvXikxHJBVCJLKE%3Dresponse-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DProceedings_of_the_7th_Annual_Conference.pdf#page=193 3.Sroka, W. and L?rinczy, M., 2015. The perception of ethics in business: Analysis of research results.Procedia Economics and Finance,34, pp.156-163.( 4.Svanberg, M., 2016. Rethinking Business Ethics: Ethics of Corporate Social Responsibility.( 5.Vadastreanu, A.M., Maier, D. and Maier, A., 2015. Is the Success Possible in Compliance with Ethics and Deontology in Business?.Procedia Economics and Finance,26, pp.1068-1073. ( 6.Xu, Z.X. and Ma, H.K., 2016. How can a deontological decision lead to moral behavior? The moderating role of moral identity.Journal of Business Ethics,137(3), pp.537-549.(

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